
Welcome to the Bridges section of the NeuroWeb documentation! NeuroWeb offers seamless connectivity with all parachains on Polkadot through XCM. These bridges guarantee secure and trustless interoperability, expanding NeuroWeb's reach and potential for collaboration across the blockchain landscape including Ethereum and other ecosystems.


NEURO token can be bridged to Moonbeam parachain on Polkadot using XCM. This can be done using multiple interfaces like Polkadot.js, Moonbeam Dapp etc.

NEURO token was previously called OTP and it is available under this name in the Moonbeam dapp.  Renaming process is currently ongoing on the Moonbeam dapp.

Steps for bridging NEURO to Moonbeam using Moonbeam Dapp are:

  1. Click on the connect the wallet in the top right corner:

    1. Choose Moonbeam for network.

    2. Connect your EVM wallet that will receive NEURO tokens on Moonbeam. This can be done using Metamask or any other wallet provided as option in the interface.

    3. Connect your Substrate wallet that will send NEURO tokens from NeuroWeb. This can be done using Polkadot.js extension wallet or any other wallet that is provided as option in the interface.

  2. Choose OTP as token.

  3. Choose OriginTrail Parachain as 'to' and Moonbeam as 'from', and click connect wallet for both chains.

  4. Select amount of tokens to bridge.

  5. Observe the estimation of how many OTP tokens you will receive after the fees are paid.

  6. Click send.

Last updated